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Andrew Wenger
Nov 21, 20231 min read
French: Podcast transcript 7
This is the transcript for Episode 7 of the SameSky Languages FRENCH podcast. It covers adjectives, the subjunctive and 'verlan' slang

Andrew Wenger
May 9, 20223 min read
Ma ville, ma famille
La famille, la ville: two of the first 100 French words we learn. The meanings are easy, but find out how they are pronounced, and why...

Andrew Wenger
Apr 28, 20222 min read
Le Covid ou la Covid?
It was decreed: Covid is a feminine word, but there are plenty who disagree, ignore the ruling. Gender fluidity in French? Yay, boo or huh?

Andrew Wenger
Mar 11, 20222 min read
French nouns: same word, different gender
The Eiffel Tower and the Tour de France. Two of the most iconic aspects of French culture. But what is the gender of 'tour'? Well, it's both
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