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Japanese course for beginners

Updated: Apr 10

New this autumn term

Whether you would like to learn Japanese for travel, business, pleasure, to impress future in-laws, or just for something completely different, you might be surprised at how easy it is to learn spoken Japanese to a basic level. OK, reading and writing is a different matter, but...

At SameSky Languages we are swell set up to conduct classes on Zoom, but if there is interest from enough people in the same area, we could meet in person at a suitable venue – at least sometimes. Why not contact us for a chat about the options.

About the course/teachers:

Andrew Wenger is the founder and director of SameSky Languages and leads introductory courses in Japanese. He spent 2 years working and studying in Japan, and since his return has been introducing people in the UK to the joys of learning a language which works in a rather different way, but is remarkably accessible. To try to claim it is an ‘easy’ might be pushing it. The pronunciation is straightforward, as is the grammar system, and you will be surprised how many English words have found their way into modern Japanese.

We propose an introductory course of eight lessons. If you are making good progress and would like to take it to the next level, we have Japanese native speakers waiting in the wings to guide you to the next level.

Course fees

Based on a class of between four and eight people, the total cost of the course of seven x 1 hour lessons is £98, which works out as £14 per lesson per person. This includes all materials and teacher-feedback via email so that you can consolidate your learning between classes.

When and where?

SameSky Languages has no physical premises, which means we hire a teaching space at the most mutually convenient location for each group. There is always the online possibility, which in a way is the ultimate convenience, but some people prefer the face-to-face contact. The hybrid option would be to have most of the sessions online, but to meet in-person for let’s say the first and last lessons.

The proposed time for the lessons is either Tuesday 7:30pm or Thursday 1pm, but this can be flexible.

There will be a free-of-charge introductory class on Tuesday 19th September. The course proper will start the following week

Please contact us to find out more


Gambatte kudasai

Let's do this!

Andrew Wenger, director and lead teacher of SameSky Languages

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