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Mucha suerte

Un trébol de cuatro hojas - símbolo internacional de buena suerte

¡Buena suerte!

¡Que tengas suerte!

These are some ways of wishing someone good luck in Spanish, but how about telling someone that they have been lucky?

As is so often the case when exclaiming something, you can use “Qué + adjective/noun”

¡Qué suerte! What luck!

¡Qué suertudo! You’re so lucky

Or more specifically to a person:

¡Tienes mucha suerte! You are so lucky!

La suerte te sonríe ‘Fortune smiles on you’

As a comment on someone else’s good fortune:

Los hay con la suerte Some people have all the luck

Algunos parece que nacen de pie ditto

La herradura - otro símbolo de buena suerte

Two very colloquial expressions (pick your moment carefully if you’re going to use them!)

Tiene una flor en el culo You have a flower up your bum

Tienes mucha potra You have a lot of horse

(potra = young/ female horse: mare/filly)

More general expressions involving luck and lucky

No estás de suerte You’re out of luck

Traer buena/mala suerte To bring good/bad luck

Cruzarse con un gato negro trae buena suerte It’s good luck to see (meet) a black cat

Un golpe de suerte A lucky break

Un amuleto A lucky charm, amulet

La suerte de los principiantes Beginners’ luck

Tiene suerte de seguir vivo He’s lucky to be alive

Grammar note:

Some of the phrases start with “Qué…” and others with “Que…” (no accent). This is not a typo. Can you figure out the difference?

Andrew Wenger, director and lead teacher of Same-Sky Languages, wishes you 'mucha suerte' in your Spanish studies and invites you to make contact, if you would like to join one of our groups, or would like to subscribe to the Same-Sky Academy...

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